The following treks are all in an open zone
Altit Peak
Above Duikar, a summer village 300m above Altit, are summer pastures and dry, rocky peaks including little-known Altit Peak (5075m,). Duikar has spectacular views of the Hunza Valley. A road turns off Altit Link Rd west of Altit’s polo ground. From Karimabad or Altit, the ride to Duikar takes one hour; walking takes five to six hours. Special hires cost Rs 800. For a magical experience, visit Duikar on a moonlit night. It’s easy to spend four or five days for the moderate trek in this area, popular in winter with hunters. Take someone who knows the way around these peaks.
Shishpar and Muchutshil Glaciers
Hassanabad Nala drains two glaciers descending from the 7500m Batura Wall’s south side: Shishpar (also called Hassanabad) from the north-east; and Muchutshil from the north-west. Two moderate treks to summer pastures along both glaciers are possible between late May and early October. The trailheads are at the KKH where it bridges the Hassanabad Nala just above Murtazabad and 5km below Aliabad. The routes over these glaciers change from year to year, so a local guide is necessary.
Shishpar Glacier
A four-day trek along the Shishpar Glacier offers excellent views of seldom-seen sides of Bubulimating, Ultar and Shishpar. On Day 1, follow the Hassanabad Nala’s true left (east) bank towards the glacier’s snout on the track behind the high-way maintenance station. Climb the terminal moraine and continue on the glacier 1.5km to a steep gully off the glacier to the right. At the top of this gully, and in front of the ridge rising to the east is a waterless camp site called Bras I, three to four hours from the KKH. A short distance along the trail to the north-east, a spur drops to a glacial pool. On Day 2, head up the Shishpar Glacier and pass Bras II, a possible camp site. Continue on moraine to Khaltar Harai (also called Dudara Harai), a pasture 7km, or four to five hours, from Bras I, with fine views of the glacier and Ultar and Passu peaks. Retrace Steps downvalley, reaching the KKH on Day 4.
Muchutshil Glacier
The six-day trek along the Muchutshil Glacier has good views of Muchu Chhish (7453m) and Hachindar Chhish (7163m), and leads to Sangemarmar Sar Base Camp. On Day 1, follow the Hassanabad Nala’s true right (west) bank towards the glacier’s snout, following the canal that feeds Hunza’s hydroelectric plant. Camp in a sandy spot below the glacier’s snout with a spring near the river, two to three hours from the KKH. On Day 2, climb high above the Muchutshil Glacier before dropping onto the debris-covered glacier and crossing to its north-east margin. Scramble up scree to a path on a narrow plateau, which widens as you head north-west through the pastures of Tochi and Bakor. Continue to Gaymaling (3600m), another pasture that is now unused, five to seven hours from the previous camp site. From Gaymaling, explore the lower reaches of Sangemarmar Sar (7050m) to the north-east and visit its base camp. Head north on Day 3, climbing through scrub forest to an immense meadow with huts and a mill, four to five hours from Gaymaling. With clear, flowing water and great vistas to the east and north, this tranquil spot offers a wonderful camping respite. Retrace steps downvalley, reaching the KKH on Day 6.
The peak that the Swiss map labels Sangemar Mar (Sangemarmar means ’marble’ in Urdu) is more correctly called Sangemarmar Sar. The Muchutshil Glacier is labeled as Muchuhar, and Gaymaling is labeled as Gychalin.
Ahmedabad Glacier
Ahmedabad Glacier is east of, and parallel to, the Ultar Glacier. Few foreigners visit the village and the summer pastures above. From Altit, follow the narrow road above the Hunza River’s true right bank Faizabad to Ahmedabad. From Ahmedabad, ascend to the pastures and descend to Sarat village on the link road. Herders can show the way. Plan on five or six days for this moderate trek. It totals five stages starting from Ahmedabad: (1) Gurpi; (2) Teish; (3) Godian; (4) Baldiat; and (5) Sarat. Karimabad-Ahmedabad special hires.
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